
Home / News / The influence of various elements in materials on the properties of locknuts

The influence of various elements in materials on the properties of locknuts

According to different materials, locknuts are divided into carbon steel, high strength, stainless steel, plastic steel and other major types. The influence of various elements in the material on the properties of the locknut directly reflects the influence of steel.
1. Carbon (C): Improve the strength of steel parts, especially its heat treatment performance, but with the increase of carbon content, plasticity and toughness will decrease, and will affect the cold heading performance and welding performance of steel parts.
2. Manganese (Mn): Improve the strength of steel parts and improve hardenability to a certain extent. That is, the strength of hardening penetration is increased during quenching, and manganese can also improve the surface quality, but too much manganese is detrimental to ductility and weldability. And it will affect the plating control during electroplating.
3. Nickel (Ni): Improve the strength of steel parts, improve the toughness at low temperatures, increase the resistance to atmospheric corrosion, and ensure a stable heat treatment effect, reducing the effect of hydrogen embrittlement.
4. Chromium (Cr): can improve hardenability, improve wear resistance, improve corrosion resistance, and help maintain strength at high temperatures.
5. Molybdenum (Mo): It can help control the hardenability, reduce the sensitivity of steel to temper brittleness, and has a great influence on improving the tensile strength at high temperatures.
6. Boron (B): It can improve the hardenability and help the low carbon steel produce the expected response to the heat treatment. 8k1Dj1@0z
7. Alum (V): Refine austenite grains and improve toughness.
8. Silicon (Si): to ensure the strength of steel parts, and proper content can improve the plasticity and toughness of steel parts.

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