
Home / News / What are the selection principles of stainless steel locknuts

What are the selection principles of stainless steel locknuts

304M, 304HC, and 316 are the most widely used materials of 300 series austenitic stainless steels. The obvious difference between the materials is: the magnetic properties of the material after cold working are 316<304hc<304m.
Compared with 304M and 304HC, 316 material resists chemical corrosion, pitting corrosion and seawater corrosion resistance. The main chemical composition has a certain relationship with the performance of stainless steel.
1. Requirements for the mechanical properties of stainless steel locknut materials, especially strength;
2. The requirements of working conditions on the corrosion resistance of materials;
3. The requirements of the working temperature on the heat resistance of the material (high temperature strength, oxidation resistance);
4. Requirements for material processing performance in terms of production technology;
5. Other aspects, such as weight, price, and purchasing factors must be considered.

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